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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sigh. You know what sucks? It sucks to be so excited for a day, and end up almost crying during a lesson because of how bad your day has been.

Today was supposed to be a good day, but boy, did it turn out to be just okay. I was so excited when I left the house and was on my way to school. Then during recess V calls me conniving and sneaky. As if I ever bitched about him. He's one of hte few people I never bitch about because I totally respect him. I may have passed a comment or two about him, but have never brought him down. And the person who caused it all is just sucking up to V and acting all nice. I bet he saw it all. I'm such a foool. I have so many things to say about V, but I won't. I just want to blurt out what I really think about him and his attitude, but I won't. He's such a hypocrite! Yesterday, I was talking to Ievan about a math problem and V was like dont tell him anything. Then TK starts talking about another math problem and V listens intently. Shows how self centred and conniving HE is. And he is so self centred and proud. He goes on and on and on about how Amy Chua likes him and blah and I just have to smile politely. And he must be taking some kind of drug cos honestly, he does not seem to be normal. He doesn't do ANYTHING that a normal teenager does and well yeah. Its weird. Oh, did I mention that i'm totally jealous of his extremely strange friendship with TK?

Who could this V person be.

And Joshua can certainly get on my nerves once in a while. The whole day is practically a chance for him to make fun of me. Every period, he says something that hurts me. Sigh.

And it also sucks to have to choose between two friends. Both of them hate each other and I'm caught in the middle. It sucks, cos you'll most likely end up losing a friend, something which I so cannot afford to.
blogged @ 5:18 AM
Saturday, January 26, 2008

Just maybe for once, I'd like to be treated nicely. Just maybe, I'd want to be accepted and well-liked and not hated and laughed at. Just maybe, I'd like to be the person's pencil box you don't take, the person who'll always follow you. Just maybe.

Sigh. I wish people would understand what I just said. I guess a lot of people don't exactly care about how I feel and have no clue whatsover about how to read my face. Cos if I'm sad, you should be able to see it.

There's only butterflies. I wish I could go there. Natasha, give me your pocketful of sunshine. I guess I'm what you'd call "emo" whenever I blog cos I never seem to be happy. Well, yes I am pessimistic, and I don't see anything wrong. In real life, I may come off as optimistic, so let me change sides okay?

And problems of others are kinda serious too. I do care about them, but when I'm 98% going ot sleep, it may seem that I put me above them. which of course I do, but I still care. Like maybe when I go to bed, I think about the problem and pray that everything will be fine.

get ready for the comebakc of ...................................something really B

blogged @ 10:53 PM

just break it off tonight!
project runway starts next month. Whoo for that
blogged @ 3:34 AM
Friday, January 4, 2008


I'm trying to blog more often. Today was better, the best day so far. Maybe its cos of where I sat, nearer to people I'm familiar with. I was able to crack a laugh quite a few times, but as usual some idiots' comments just made my day
blogged @ 3:28 AM
Thursday, January 3, 2008

Hello. Second day of school was even worse than the first. I didn't have a badhairday, but it was still not normal. I was so sleepy, so I'm gonna sleep real early. And then the lessons were boring, and the day ended at 2:10. So tiring. Gosh. And someone told me that people think I have a crush on ****? I am just flabbergasted. What the hell is wrong with the people of today. Well, maybe they're just jealous of how fabulous I am.

I really live up to my title of Scandalous Ashu.
blogged @ 5:32 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sigh. School wasn't as good as I hoped it was. I woke up at 5:20, and came out of the shower at six. But I took FOREVER to fix my hair. I'd like fix it and then do something else and five minutes later I'd go back to fix it again. So I left the house in a rush at 6:45 with screwed up hair. I go to school, and I'm late. I walk into class, and everybody's looking at me. I told everyone to keep their eyes o me, and they're just doing that. The lessons were boring, I'm not happy with where I'm sitting. Sigh. And someone HAD to comment on my hair and make me fret about it the whole day! So finally I went to get my hair done so it isn't so messy right now. Not too happy, but its okay. So I came home at like 3, and I was watching Lonely Planet: Six Degrees and it was a MUMBAI episode! Whoo Mumbai<3. And there was the hijra section, and it was all weird. haha. But Asha's a real sport. I<3AshaGill. SHE ROCKS. She was in Baghban and all. Sigh. When will my dreams come true. When, God, when?
blogged @ 3:10 AM