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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wheee. What's up people? It's HALLOWEEEN. Yes. Spooky. Whooooo. Ghost ghost ghost. Ghooost.

So anyway, like I was saying, it's a spooky night. Full moon. Werewolf. :D. Like the Goosebumps book - Werewolf Skin. Oh that was one of my faves.

Trying to bake a cake for Veron, WHOSE BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW WHEE. But her house got no oven. So I'm trying to find a cake that can be baked with freezer
blogged @ 5:35 AM
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It was so easy that night.
Should have controlled yet I lied.
Nobody gets me like yoouuuu.

I really love that song. I really miss her and it sucks that she's gone. ): Its too late to say that I know how I feel about her now. Anyway, these past few days, weeks or whatever that I haven't been blogging have been very busy. I haven't got a good night's rest yet! And I'm getting pissed. Honestly, I think my BP has risen by like egomdg,.gdm. Today was so tensed because that idiotic S (pronounce ass/senthil) told an untrue secret to the other idiot N (pronounce another ass/nicholas) and N told his idiotic G (read gang/gsaf;dsg;'ds) and now the idiotic G are laughing about it.

Thanks a lot S.
blogged @ 5:14 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007

Aaah. I'm blogging more frequently now. I realised that you're not able to see my title!


Guilt is a funny thing. You'll never feel it, till someone knocks you on the head. Sigh. Something horrible and disgusting happened. I was possessed by the devil. It made me do something to someone, and wow, I did not even care that I was making that person uncomfortable. How evil am I?

Sigh. I hate it when you do something and then you regret it forever. I still go by what I said at the place.
blogged @ 6:07 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007

I gave my post a title! Today it shall be called Nightpost'. Can you see the '. I have no idea why the ' is there, but I think it gives my title more flair.

Anyway, my dad is sleeping right now and he annoyingly turned off the hall lights and was like "Go sleep. You have school" and his door's open so I can't watch ANTM. Oh well.

This past week has like always been an emotional roller coaster ride. I was so excited about the P-S and then something happened and I had to cancel it. Some of you may know, but I don't wish to mention it here.

I did not go to school today. I'm physically and emotionally drained and I seriously needed a break. You should see my eyebags. I actually spelt them as ibags. I could sell 'em. :D. Anyway, they're HUGE. And my dark circles. How freaky. And my soul is sooooo crumpled right now, and I need to iron it all out. And I need a days' rest to do that.
blogged @ 7:12 AM
Friday, October 12, 2007

28th post. Which is really nothing compared to the 151 I had over at Cloudy Tales. It's the end of the week, FRIDAY. But it doesn't exactly feel like a friday; maybe its because the whole mood of the level is so relaxed. And I don't know how I'm going to get through the annoying extra lessons at the end of the year. My brain is already dead.

Today and yesterday were results days. I didn't do tooo well, but I'm still happy. I guess I got what I got and I can't change that. Went to Plaza Sing today for no apparent reason. Joshua wanted to go for lunch so me and ZP went. It was fun but tiring! Sigh. And then I realised how untalented I was born. Both of them are so wonderfully musically inclined. Me? Well I can't read notes, can't sing, can't play any instrument (I even screwed up the recorder) and YETTT I have dreams about being a SINGER.

hat is so cool ain't it? Someone who can't sing but has big dreams. Anyway, I was reading RAIN (The 1970s book; not the Korean guy) and I realised how much I want to live in a place like Samoa, where there are white churches "dotted around the island". Won't it be cool to drive in a jeep along a rugged track and say hi to the villagers and then see a church. Now you may be thinking that I'm a very city person. You're wrong people.

I love nature. I'm very pro-nature. I don't like idiots who don't turn lights off; and I hate those who don't recycle. In fact, I have to give one of the teachers MY idea on how SJI can be more pro-environment. Anyway, OBS was obviously something like Samoa minus the beauty. There were corrugated shelters; but all the same, it sucked. So how am I going to survive on Samoa? I have no idea. Ask GOD. He gives me the ideas with no possible solution.

Sigh. I hope this has been long enough. If it isn't, tell me lol.
blogged @ 6:00 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I haven't updated for a long time. New layout coming soon; I promise! I'm working on a lot of mini projects (which I won't name here due to unknown readers). And well I've been quite busy with other stuff as well.

-thats all I have to say.
blogged @ 3:26 AM