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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Don't try to make me go to Rehab I won't GO GO GO GO. Rehab = OBS. Yes people. The time has come. It's tomorrow. I'm not exactly looking forward to it, neither am I dreading it. I've grown out of trying to skip it and I just want to come back a better person. I've packed my bag. Bag. Bag bag. Do it won't you do it to me.
blogged @ 5:12 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Love Love Love (story) Love love love (Story).

hey ya'll. (: .I'm trying to blog more often. If you haven't noticed. I think you may know why. My blog readership has been overtaken by someone so unexpected. And now I have to keep you interested with more personal posts about myself, my life and of course ME! I love me. Anyway, today is Thursday. This means that its coming closer to the weekend. And OBS. I'm really scared now. I'm freaking out over the bag problem. Tote bag? I want to bring a tote bag cos I don't have a camping bag and I don't want to buy one.

You can buy all the make up that man can make. But if you can look inside you and find out who are you to make me feel so WEIRD. =D. I love that song. Well minus the weird, replace with unpretty. I miss you TLC. I hated today. It was a horrible day. Okay listen. We had this stupid A Math project in like week 1 right? And I kinda like deleted it and then Jia Sheng& Marcus start blaming me. They didn't do anything at all. I felt like throwing my calculator or something at Marcus again but I didn't want to seem like some psychopath. And after that was BIO SPA. I screwed it up. I saw Mrs Lim give everyone a tick instead of me. I FORGOT TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTION7 (Rinse the syringe with the next glucose solution). And I kept doing it to get her attention and give me the tick, but she had put her clipboard in her ugly bag. Probably to hide the fake Gucci design.

And I had MT Oral which went well. I talked about Opening a hospital for AIDS patients. I wish I could do that! (: And then after that went out for lunch and then I saw an ultra hot scarf at Junction 8 (Seiyu) but it was $29. :O. A scarf. I want. I'm gonna get it. HAIRSPRAY TOMORROW!

And ohmygod. Dignity 07-08. This is really the hottest tour of the year.
blogged @ 6:32 AM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I just can't leave em alone. I love that song. Anyway, I didn't go to school yesterday. I was too pissed to mention it in yesterday's post. Today was a good day, well not really. I had to witness something I'd rather not ever witness.

And can you believe it. Look at the photo and you'll be shocked.

THAT IS HILARY BEFORE PLAY WITH FIRE! (The opening scene). God Dignity 07-08 looks so damn good. I'm really PRAYING that she comes to Singapore. I really hope she comes! Come on Hilary. I'm here!!!

Hil D.

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Take a look at the soundcheck for Never Stop @ Las Vegas, Nevada.

haha. Back to MY life. Things have been going a bit hectic. I've been extremely busy, what with school work and my personal life (yes people, I do have one =D). I'm basically denying rumours, answering questions, and on top of all that, I have to do my homework, pay attention and copy corrections. I mean, how stressful can SCHOOL get. So much for simple learning. Like today, I was trying to listen to Mrs Lim's corrections when suddenly Lee Chuan is like "What happened? They extorted from you". And I'm trying to get him to shut up, but he doesn't want to. I'm like HELLO MRS LIM! I want to complain. And Daryl & Jin are making me like so pissed. I'm like hello. Stop it. Ha ha ha. Daryl, you're an idiot. Just watch out cos Ashu has his eyes on you! Oh yeah. I got my eyes on you. For everything you ever said about me and S and Arjuna. HOW MANY WAYS DO I HAVE TO SAY, SHUT UP DARYL, DON'T ACT CRAZY!
blogged @ 3:08 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007

How can people be so mean? To talk about me behind their backs and tell me something else to my face. I mean, GROW UP people. If you have something to say to me, just say it. There's no need to have thoughts about me in your head and then be all like "Yeah I believe you" when you actually don't. What am I gonna do? Eat you. I mean, I'll try to convince you yeah. But if you tell me you that you believe me but you actually don't, its much worse cos I won't try to convince you and you'll just be accepting the damn lie. If you think I'm gay, have the guts to say it to my face. "Ashu I think you're gay with blah". Blah can be anyone right? Yeah. So if you say that, I'll start to tell you why I'm not and all that and hopefully I'll change your mind for you. I mean, yes I'll get a bit hurt, but I'll get MORE hurt if you say stuff behind my back.
blogged @ 11:04 PM

You're so good to meee. I can't get that out of my head. Get it? Out of my head? lol. okay. I'm weird. Anyway, today was Monday! Monday signals the start of another dull, slow week ahead. I got back my A-Math results and I don't wanna boast or anything so I'm not gonna post my results here cos I'm gonna flunk final year anyway. Wow that was a long sentence.

This is week nine of the term. OBS is next week and I'm totally scared for it. What will I do? I hope there are no mountains there. If there are/is I'm dead. I can't climb any mountain people!

Oh someone asked me to post about what I got in my 91.3 goodie bag. There were 2-3 postcards a woman's magazine (Shape which came with a free skipping rope with an inbuilt counter), some home decor magazine and my CD and some pencils and stuff. How cheap. They gave it to me in an envelope.

I am so loving Ms Leow now. She picked out Joshua and my script and marked them first and smsed us our results. She's so sweet! <3 style="font-weight: bold;">Lies LIES LIES!

Purple scarves. Mmm. Scarf. That sounds like someone from Hey Arnold doesn't it? Pointless stuff aside, I have something to vent about. Okay lets just say that you have a best friend. And this best friend and you have some kind of relationship problems. This best friend has also told his mum about you, telling her about the way you act&all. Now this best friend's mother (whom in my opinion is a total bitch) tells her son to stay away from you WHEN HER SON HIMSELF ACTS LIKE THAT. I'm like HELLO. Hypocrite alert. ee-awww-eee-awww.

HYPOCRITES ARE LURKING THIS WORLD PEOPLE. I just hope this mum looks at her own son before coming to any conclusion about me Mrs Old&Haggy Honey.


blogged @ 3:15 AM
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hey ya'll. I feel like a gypsy blogger! Some of you may know where that came from. Hmm. Let me give you the acronym. TPM. What could that be? I so don't know!

Today and yesterday were fine. Both days were extremely..slack. Well as expected. What can one do after the common tests. I have not unpacked my school bag. No idea when I'll pack it. Yesterday was quite fun. Well the later part of the day anyway. After the usual Saturday night drama, we went to watch Rush Hour 3. I found it stupid. Chris Tucker has an annoying voice. Is his name Chris Tucker? I kinda forget stuff like that who have no importance to the world whatsoever.

My mum is so weird. She smses like Ms Leow. All Ah Lianish. Like "wad 2 do...bz". I'm so freaked out by it. haha. For those observant ones who MAY have noticed my new Singles Chart page which is inspired by Billboard's Singles Charts and ZP's Recurrent 20. The Pop 5 is just the Hot 20 minus all the R&B and The R & B 5 is mainly the Hot 20 minus all the Pop sutff which doesn't exactly leave a lot to chart does it? And the recurrent chart will have extremely dramatic changes. For those of you who dislike dramatic changes (nudge nudge to a certain 2letter character), you may wish NOT to look at the Recurrent 20!.

Unbolded. Yeah. Bolded. Unbolded! Itacilised AND BOLDED. Unitacilised and unbolded. Whoaaa. I'm goood aren't I.

Anyway, something freaky happened today. I went to get some of my OBS stuff. Like uhm SANDALS. My old ones are torn. And when I was trying on Sandals, I realised how massive my feet are. I'm like bigfoot. Why do I have such disgustingly big feet. Its like Buttress roots. Sigh. I am too tall. I hate being like a frikking stick. ITS SO DISGUSTING LA. I wish I could grow short.
Baby if you strip?
That's such a provocative display name. And wow this is an extremely long blog post. I'm gonna keep blogging don't worry. At night, I was on MSN creating my component charts. And then I called up some people regarding my final year study plan. I plan to start next week which is OBS so I don't know what I'm going to do. Should I bring notes to OBS? I was just J-O-K-I-N-G.

People try to make me feel guilty for stuff they brought upon themselves. I'm not mentioning any names, but honestly people. GROW UP. I do regret some things I have done. But of course, I have no regrets right now cause I am loving my life. Love love love me. Dum Da Dee Da Dee Da. I'm doing that from memory from the Star World ads!

And UGLY BETTY IS COMING TO STAR WORLD. I missed out like 5 episodes because of television clashes on Channel 5 so now I can watch EVERYSINGLEEPISODE. Can't wait for that!!!

Things in school have been going okay now. of course other than the regular controversies and things which irritate me. Like how people have still not stopped calling me names even though I EXPLICITLY STATED ON THIS SPACE THAT PEOPLE SHOULD STOP IT. I'm obviously not threatening or people don't understand I'm serious. Well people, I am serious. I know where to take this to if it doesnt' stop. Don't worry my little US-weeklies and People magazines and all the other celebrity gossip magazines (in touch weekly, Hello, OK! and Stardust). Stardust cos I do cater to the Bollywood sector. (:

This is really long. BYE<3ASHU!
blogged @ 7:07 AM
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hoot Hoot Hoot Hoot. I'm an owl.

Common tests are over! Finally. I feel all better. But so tired. I haven't had enough sleep. Was supposed to sleep today but Arjuna wanted to go to Junction8. So we did. Tomorrow's my RINGFEST! ZP really got me addicted to The Ring. I mean I watched it in 2004 or something and I was like okayy. Then I watched it on Saturday and was freaked out and ZP kept talking about Samara. haha.

I think I'm part of a typical love story. Started out as friends. And now it all ends.

I'm happy with my Chemistry but LIKE OHMYGOD PHYSICS. SIMON HO GOT MY HOPES UP. "It's easier than term 2". I feel like scratching him. lol. This is how it ends. Sorry. I am so loving Love Story.

Here's something people SHOULD know about me. People think that I don't care about what people call me. Well. Those peopl are wrong. Way freaking wrong. Do you know how it feels to have eyes on you all the time. People always have this misconception that I'm just this girly guy who'll take whatever shit you give him. Well I'm not. This is my time, and I have something to say.

-Watch this space for more!
blogged @ 3:11 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007

Ehmagod! It's a MONDAY. And its COMMONTESTS! Wooo. Okay. So I started the SS paper and I was like. OMG. What do I write for the stupid picture? In the end, I think I screwed it up. haha. E-Math was easy&fun cos Mrs Lim was invigilating. She just sits on the table. haha.

Then during PSE, Mr Teo calls me to go to the staff room and then Mr Liew and him all start to interrogate me. So scary. Then as I was leaving, I heard them say "Quite silly". haha. Am I silly people? HAIRSPRAY!

I feel really bad. ZP no matter how much you tell me not to, I may have just ruined peoples' lives. I hope that nothing bad happens to these people.

As to the comment of Arjuna's about the Mr Liew thingy. Well Arjuna, I'll call you out and tell you. haha. Ice. ICE ICE BABY.

After school, ZP Joshua and me went to see Ms Tan! regarding Chemistry. She's so..adorable. I mean, funny. The way she laughs and laughs. She's uber friendly. I hope I do.


I just hope nothing bad happens. Oh Gosh. I may have ruined LIVES AND ASHUTOSH DOES NOT DO THAT. I'm a nice person. I WANT TO APOLOGISE TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON. I DID NOT MEAN FOR THIS TO HAPPEN.
blogged @ 3:39 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007

blogged @ 2:32 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Some people are addicted to blogging. And their blogs then become so much hotter than mine. I am not going to let that happen. My blog has to be the premier, hot blog.


Today. Let's see. Saturday! A few more days/hours to common tests. Yay. I can't wait for it to all be over. The Thursday it ends, I'm watching HAIRSPRAY (does it come out). I love Hairspray. Or at least I will. And on Friday I'll be sleeping. Because I have been sleeping really late nowadays. haha.
OOH. Phone's ringing. Hopefully for me. Byee
blogged @ 5:04 AM
Friday, August 10, 2007

ohmygod. When I read other people's blogs, I realise how open they are. I think I should start doing that from now.

Okay today I went to school to study. With a few others. And then I went to the annex and the aircon was off! inconspicocouinconspicocousinconspicocousinconspicocousinconspicocous. Sorry. So how can WE STUDY IN A STUFFY ATMOSPHERE. We decide to go to Bishan Library. And then on the way down we see Ms Wong, who's like"Why are ya'll in school" and we're like "Here to study" then she's like "Okay good luck!". So nice.

So then we went to Bishan and we were hunting for seats when I saw Ievan!!! So I joined him and 3 others from his class. I guess it was productive. I saw this amazing book on Airline Fashion and it inspired me. I wanna be a fashion show coordinator. I choose whats in the show, design the set, choose the models EVERYTHING except design.

blogged @ 5:59 AM

It just takes one call. I'll come running.

Its been National Day. It doesn't feel like National Day. Well 2 days past. Haha. What have I been doing? Like everyone else. MUGGING! haha. Ms Yam is so nice. She gave Ievan the chic-est sexiest pink scarf. AND ITS BRANDED! (NIKE!!!) FOR FREE. I WANT A CHIC PINK SCARF FOR MY BIRTHDAY. SOMEONE BETTER BUY ME THE SCARF FOR MY BIRTHDAY. hint. hint.

haha. 2 more days to common test. Remember I won Good Girl Gone Bad? IT CAME WITH A SKIPPING ROPE! 'I'm trying to skip. ooh yeah. SKIP SKIP SKIP. 15 minutes of it and you'll lose weight. I'm BREAKING DISHES.

Sorry but all the stress is escaping. I likeee Beautiful Day. =D. Anyway, what are all of you DOING! UPDATE MEEEEE!!! I'm wondering. Go ot the library to study? or stay at home? No idea. I think I'll go ot the library.

blogged @ 5:41 AM